Minutes of the Long Cove Point Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 18, 2022

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by John Mulcahy, Chairperson and President. Present in addition to John were Elizabeth Vercoe (Secretary), Mark Jones (Treasurer), Marcia Kagan, Carol Kirby, Claire Mocarski, Tim Peele, Bonnie Potter, and Amy Rolfe. The tennis committee chair, Beau Villecco, was also present.

2. Approval of Minutes

The minutes for the 2021 annual meeting and the virtual board meeting in March were approved.

3. Treasurer's Report

a. Current balances are $19,463 in the checking account and $16,590 in the capital account.
b. There have been 239 renewals to date plus fees for 12 new members.
c. Voluntary charitable contributions to date are $2,940.
d. The board approved the Treasurer's Report.
e. Someone mentioned that the club website should indicate that charitable contributions to the club are not tax-deductible.

4. Committee Reports

a. Membership Committee (Claire Mocarsk, Chair)
There are 12 new memberships to date: Joanna D. Kukianoff, Amy and David Flanagan, Alida and John Zimmerman,, Julia Fitz-Randolph, Christopher Williams, Jean van de Moortell, Martha Fortier, Pamela and Peter Antosiewicz, and Melinda Page.

The current Golden Parachute members are: Jack Campbell, Doug Craig, Sally Stebbins, Ed and Katherine Shepherd, and Bill Arnold.

b. Social Committee (Catherine & Chris Gram, Co-Chairs)
A plan to delegate committee duties for each event due to illness of the chair led to Amy volunteering to oversee the first event, the board cocktail party, pending discussion with the Grams. Other volunteers are needed for the other events.

The board approved the pricing for the lobster dinner to be the same as last year: $30 (2), $20 (1), $10 (Chicken).

c. Tennis Committee (Beau Villecco, Chair)
The budget request of $1500 was approved. The tennis pro and season schedule have been set, including a triples tournament in July, and the plans are posted both on the bulletin board and on the website.

d. Bridge Committee (Jane Wallace, Chair)
There are no expenses for the bridge club. The new Taste of Bridge group has four people expressing interest and manuals have been purchased.

e. Nominating Committee (Kit Reno, Chair)
Terms for board members Elizabeth Vercoe and Time Peele end in July and there are two prospective new board members, Katherine Bullis McCutcheon and Melissa Norton. John Mulcahy will continue as Chair until such time as a new Chair can be found. The slate will come to a vote by the membership via Survey Monkey at the virtual annual meeting in July.

f. Yoga Committee (Marcia Kagan, Chair)
The new instructor, Shannon Dooling, will meet with the class for 8 Fridays in July and August. John approved the choice of instructor and her pay of $80/session. John will draft a contract for her.

g. Archive Committee (Marcia Kagan, Chair)
No report.

h. House Committee (Amy Rolfe, Chair)
Amy reported that there was a good turnout for the club cleanup day. She indicated that club members will handle minor projects such as repainting and/or replacing the screen doors and dealing with mouse and carpenter ant mitigation.

Brush around the clubhouse will be removed by the lawn maintenance person.

After some debate about continuing the treatments by Nervous Ticks at $100/ every few weeks, Bonnie Potter volunteered to do some research on the subject.

5. Chair Report & Update (John Mulcahy)
John thanked the outgoing board members for their service and mentioned the need for a new secretary. He also mentioned that Andrew Fenniman will take over management of the club website this summer.

The tree-damaged roof was repaired reasonably so no insurance claim was needed. Four trees and brush were removed by B&B Tree service for $2,000.

Outside personnel: Jon Poland is the new plumber; Lucy Smith continues as club cleaner at $30/hr.; Julie's Greenhouse prepares the window boxes; Septic Preservation checks the system once per year in the spring; Maine Track and Tennis were contacted to assess the state of the tennis court.

The phone has been reconnected.

Rentals include: two memorial celebrations on June 25 and 26 for former members, Don Murray and Anne Buell (no charge), a wedding on September 10 and 11, and a possible birthday on September 17.

Tennis issue: non-members playing more than two times a season without paying. John will put out the fee box with suggested donation of $10 for each additional session.

Major house repairs include, most importantly, replacing the clubouse windows. Carpenter John Nisbet has given an estimate of $10,600 for 17 Harvey windows. A rotting upright and porch support would be an additional $56 and $252.

John noted the parking area has degraded yet again and will contact the town manager.

John suggested the new membership approval process is clumsy and proposed a change in the bylaws which he will draft.

Membership Fees: There was considerable discussion with the treasurer about extensive upcoming expenses for the windows and tennis court in addition to routine club costs but insufficient dues. The board approved an increase in dues to $75 per person and a new category of family membership for $250 to be voted on by the membership in July. The board also approved the treasurer's request to combine the checking and capital accounts to ease cash flow issues and the ordering of the windows.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am

Elizabeth Vercoe