Long Cove Point Association
Virtual Annual Meeting
July, 2021


Note: Because of the pandemic, the July 17 Annual Meeting of the Long Cove Point Association in 2021 was conducted by a survey distributed to members by email in advance of the previously announced date as approved by the Board at its May 21 meeting. The 2020 minutes and financial report were attached to the agenda emailed before the survey. There were 72 responses. Therefore, a quorum of 25 members was met.

The agenda and results of the survey are below. The survey list of 5 issues was emailed to the membership by the President on July 29, 2020. All items raised in the agenda that required a vote by the Membership were passed by a vote on Survey Monkey.


“Welcome” to all members of the Long Cove Point Association.  

1. In Memoriam

The Club lost six “vibrant souls” since we last gathered: Irene Burton, James Booker, Phil Cameron, Bea Chase, Patrick Quinn, and Georgia Rolfe. Members were asked to take a moment to remember them and their close friends and family members.

2. Secretary’s Report

a. You will find, attached, the draft of the minutes from the Annual Membership meeting held in July, 2020.

THE MEMBERSHIP VOTED TO ACCEPT THE 2020 MINUTES. (69 in favor, 3 abstentions)

3. Treasurers’ Report

a. You will find, attached, the end of year financial statement for 2020 for your review.

b. The Association, as of 6/30, has $21,392 in our checking account and $14,737 in our capital expense fund. The portion of membership dues from 2021 ($20 per member) that is designated for Capital Expenses has not yet been transferred from the checking account to the Capital Expense Fund. That traditionally happens at the end of the Season.

c. As of 7/8, 244 paid membership renewals have been received. The membership committee will follow up with members who have yet to complete their renewal.

d. There is one club rental for a wedding in August and the space will be used for a members’ memorial service later in July.


4. Committee Reports

a. Tennis – Martha Hebert, Chair

1.Court time continues to require online booking at www. yourcourts.com.
2. In addition to individual play, the men’s and women’s leagues, private lessons, and weekly triples tournaments, supervised by our instructor, Georgia, are also ongoing.
3. We have noticed several instances of non-members, who are not staying at the homes of Members, using the court with a member. At the suggestion of our tennis chair, we have placed a “donation box” courtside with a note stating, “Individual guests (those not staying at a member’s home) may play twice during the summer for a charge of $10 per session.”   As many new members are first introduced to LCPA through a tennis association, Martha felt it wise to allow limited use by friends of members to continue as a way to encourage future memberships.
 4. As reported last year Maine Track and Tennis confirmed that the court is “in good shape” with no major work anticipated until at least 2022. Resurfacing of the court at that time would be approximately $8300, which will be covered by our Capital Expense Fund.
5. Small cracks in the surface continue to be fixed as needed by members of the tennis committee.

b.  Membership- Claire Mocarski, Chair

To date we have received 14 new member applications. Each has completed the required paperwork, paid the appropriate fees, and arranged for letters of recommendation to be submitted. The prospective members are:
-Lee Marshall of Haverford, PA, and New Harbor, ME – Sponsored by Peter Stahl and Bill and Kitty Perry
-Lisa and Peter Drzewiecki and their children, Shelby and Max of Storrs, CT. and Chamberlain, ME. – Sponsored by Ed Shepherd and John Rolfe
-David B. Harman of Newcastle, Maine – Sponsored by Walter Villecco and Bill Wallace
-Charles and Ellen Mazel of Bedford, MA. And Chamberlain, ME.- Sponsored by Peter Stahl and Stephen Watters
-Kit and Susan Ausschnitt of Round Pond, ME.- Sponsored by Bill and Jane Wallace, Peter and Beth Stahl, and Walter and Beau Villecco
-Liz Burnham of South Bristol, Maine- Sponsored by Beau and Walter Villecco and Monique and Rob Lowd
-Nancy Lukacs of Dothan, Alabama and Chamberlain, Maine- Sponsored by Matt and Dale Cook.
-Tina Petra of Portland and South Bristol,Maine- Sponsored by Bourge Hathaway and Beau Villecco
-Timothy and Amanda Treese of New York City and New Harbor, Maine-Sponsored by Fred and Martha Hebert.
-George Bentley of Hartford, CT. and Chamberlain, ME.- Sponsored by Carol Kirby and John Mulcahy


c. Finance Committee

“The LCPA Finance Committee has been receiving quarterly updates of the LCPA finances since its formation last August. Committee members have reviewed the club’s Income and Expense statement, along with appropriate bank statements and receipts, and believe that it presents fairly, in all material respects, the club’s financial position as of the date of the report. The committee will continue to receive quarterly updates going forward.  The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer, Mark Jones, and two independent members, John Rolfe and Peter Waystack.

d. Nominating Committee- Ginny Conway, Out-going Chair, Kit Reno, New Chair

The following members are being presented to the membership to serve on the Board of Directors for 2021-2022.
   -John Mulcahy
          -Mark Jones
          -Elizabeth Vercoe
         - Marcia Kagan (new member)
          -Bonnie Potter
          -Claire Mocarski (new member)
          -Tim Peele
          -Amy Rolfe
          -Carol Kirby (new member)

 We would like to thank outgoing members Kit Reno, Kevin Conway, and Seymour Kagan for
        their service to the Board and to the Long Cove Community.


e. Social Committee –Chris and Catherine Gram, Co-chairs
          With consideration of current State and CDC guidelines related to the Covid 19
          Pandemic, we have resumed a slightly truncated social calendar. Neither masks
          nor social distancing are required at any of these events. Efforts are being
          made to provide seating on the porch for those who would like to participate but
          feel more comfortable remaining outdoors.

f. The Archive Committee has no report.

g. House Committee –Kit Reno, Outgoing Chair; Amy Rolfe, New Chair
      1. Work was completed last summer to replace and paint the vertical slats both under the
            porch on the shed-side and under the side that houses the table tennis table.
      2. A new hot water heater has been installed.
      3. Maintenance work on the porch and its railings is underway.
      4. Sixteen new folding chairs have been purchased to replace rusted chairs.

h. Yoga Committee- Marcia Kagan, Chair
      Yoga continues Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9-10. Our yoga instructor, Michelle, has returned and is providing instruction at the Wednesday sessions         through the end of August.

5. Chair and President’s Report- John Mulcahy

a. Evidence of Carpenter Ants and Mice was found during the spring cleanup. The club now has a service contract to provide regular pest control.

b. Ongoing inspection and maintenance of our Fujiclean Septic System has been transferred to Septic Preservation. Their initial inspection in May found all in good working order.

c. After significant research, the Club has transferred its insurance policy to the J. Edward Knight agency. We have added a D&O rider which provides liability coverage for claims that might be initiated against members of the Board of Directors.

d. As has previously been discussed, the change in lifestyles within the Long Cove community (most members are no longer here for the entire Season) has made it increasingly difficult to secure volunteers to help with routine maintenance projects. Considering that, the Board is discussing outsourcing these projects to craftsmen in the community and the impact that decision would have on the finances of the club-i.e., whether dues might need to be raised to cover those expenses. The discussion is ongoing, and we will keep you posted as more information is gathered.

e. I promised last year that we would revisit the purchase of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) this season. Although purchase of the equipment does not require formal training in its use, it is recommended that some members of the organization go through training in CPR and use of the AED. The Board has discussed both the wisdom of having at least some members undergo the training and the difficulty in making that happen. At this time the Board feels that the purchase is probably not a wise one for the organization but has decided to ask the membership to vote again on whether they would like us to proceed with the purchase.


            On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to thank all Committee Chairs, committee members and the volunteers who contribute to our efforts to keep the Club “chugging along.” I also would like to thank the entire membership for their support and understanding during the past year as we all endeavored to “figure out” how best to respond to the ever-shifting situation with the Pandemic. It has been much appreciated.

             I realize that this format does not allow for the kind of open discussion to which we have grown accustomed at other Annual Meetings and will not allow for “in-the-moment” changes to any of the reports or documents I have provided before they are put to a vote. Please keep that in mind as you consider your comments. Always happy to entertain thoughts and suggestions but unless there is a major concern, we will not be able to modify and then resend these documents before asking for a vote.  If you seek clarification in advance of the vote, we will do our best to provide you with additional information.

             We are looking to resuming our "live" Annual Meetings in 2022 but will continue to find ways to include those members who are not able to attend that event. Please contact me at mulcahy1953@gmail.com with any concerns or if you feel there are other issues which we should be addressing.

Thank you,
John Mulcahy
LCPA Board Chair and President

Elizabeth Vercoe